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The Ethics of Generative AI: Navigating New Responsibilities
The Ethics of Generative AI: Navigating New Responsibilities

October 26, 2023




The Generative AI race is in full throttle, and 2023 can be aptly described as a ‘Wild West’ era for this technology. The velocity of change over the last eight months is unlike any other period of technological transformation – and the landscape is evolving by the day.


Several new websites and AI-driven chatbots have sprung into life throughout the latter part of 2022 and the entirety of 2023. Notable among these are consumer-oriented programs such as Google’s BARD and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. According to Bloomberg Intelligence, the Generative AI market is projected to reach a staggering market size of USD 1.3 Trillion by 2032, a remarkable ascent from its USD 40 Billion valuation in 2022.


However, as the proliferation of Generative AI tools continues, it not only ushers in newfound realms of productivity but also signals numerous ethical implications.


Forbes Advisor research reveals that 59 percent of UK consumers have concerns about using AI, with 37 percent expressing concerns regarding its ethical implications and potential misuse. A survey in the US market paints a similar picture, with over 75 percent of respondents concerned about misinformation from AI.


As more enterprises adopt Generative AI, the scope of risks they must contend with burgeons. Here, we outline the ethical ramifications associated with these tools, followed by steps organizations must take to manage and mitigate the concerns.


Addressing Bias 

AI systems are inherently molded by their creators’ values and intended applications, thereby susceptible to rendering biased decisions. If trained on biased data, Generative AI models can inadvertently perpetuate and exacerbate these biases, creating discriminatory content that reinforces stereotypes. To address this, enterprises must prioritize inclusivity and equity in AI design using diverse and representative training datasets.


Safeguarding Privacy  

Algorithms have redefined privacy concepts – particularly concerning personalization – because AI models are often trained on vast datasets. A notable illustration of this pertains to healthcare AI systems crafting patient medical reports, inadvertently jeopardizing confidential information or infringing upon individuals’ privacy rights due to inadequate application of data anonymization during the training process.


As a countermeasure, the comprehensive assessment of privacy impacts before the deployment of AI serves as a method of preemptively managing such exposure.


Navigating the Labyrinth of Copyright Complexities

The output generated by AI models blurs the lines between originality and ownership, ushering forth substantial implications for intellectual property. Instances arise wherein applications generate content closely mirroring copyrighted works. Furthermore, unraveling the intricacies of who rightfully holds the reins of AI-generated content can swiftly metamorphose into a convoluted legal quagmire, punctuated by its own constellation of issues and disputes. Establishing lucid guidelines pertaining to copyright for AI-crafted content emerges as a pivotal antidote, along with the deployment of systems adept at accurately identifying and attributing creators.


Countering Misinformation and Fabricated Content 

Empowered with the ability to generate realistic text and images, Generative AI could be exploited to create fake news and misleading content that is difficult to distinguish from reality. While AI models may produce errors – or ‘hallucinations’ – due to training limitations, deepfakes, which mimic individuals’ appearance and voice, could also impact credibility.


To confront this, developing AI-based tools to detect spurious content, coupled with collaborating with fact-checking groups to ensure the integrity of information, is imperative. Fostering media literacy also serves as a robust countermeasure.


Bolstering Cybersecurity

Attackers can use Generative AI to mimic legitimate users, fostering more sophisticated phishing endeavors or evading security systems. This malevolent pursuit can complicate identity verification processes, paving the way for fraud and even the creation of fake online personas with seemingly authentic digital footprints. Although this poses a formidable challenge to threat detection and prevention, it can be countered by identity verification, using anomaly detection systems to spot unusual AI-driven activities and consistently updating security protocols to thwart evolving threats.


A Glimpse into Future Frameworks of Governance and Regulation  

Thus far, the frenetic pace of AI advancement is outpacing the traditional regulatory process, creating tension between innovation and risk management. Consequently, devising regulations around AI-generated content is challenging. However, the increasingly global nature of AI mandates that we prepare to navigate regulations across different jurisdictions. 


Certain organizations and academic institutions have prohibited the use of Generative AI, meaning businesses now face decisions about the type of interface to adopt – and whether Generative AI should be universally employed or filtered for specific purposes. Regardless, they must proactively establish flexible AI governance policies that keep pace with evolving legal frameworks. These internal policies should also be carefully tailored to the enterprise’s context and use cases.


Ultimately, to manage the ethical challenges of Generative AI, enterprises should prioritize responsible usage by emphasizing unbiased, accurate, secure, well-trained, inclusive and sustainable deployment. Internal measures include content control, access management, continuous monitoring and iterative enhancement of AI models. Ethical data training, content verification and adequate review processes will also be essential, helping companies navigate this new world with robust and responsible guardrails.


Authored by Sanjay Jain - Chief Business Transformation Officer of WNS, a NYSE-listed leading Business Process Management (BPM) company.

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