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Indian Unicorns Growth Compared to the World
Indian Unicorns Growth Compared to the World

October 28, 2021



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Indian Start-up Growth Compared to the World

India start-up growth story is now world popular. The way it has grown is an interesting story. What is more interesting to see how Indian start-up ecosystem has grown compared to global giant. Though we still are 3rd largest ecosystem in the world but frankly a lot has changed in just 3 years. 



If you look at the above number of 2018. India has 18 unicorns only and only 8 were added in that year. Total valuation of start-ups also we low till 2018. Though we start catching the pace but still we had a long way to go.



Thing changed in next 2 years and number speaks themselves. Though we haven’t changed our ranking (in terms of total unicorns) but the growth is impeccable. In 2 years, the unicorn base of leader like US has grown by 80%, India on the other hand grown its unicorn base by over 110%. Also, unicorns added have also increased by 50% in 2020.


Now in just 1 years a drastic transformation happened. As you can see above, the growth if unicorns in highest in India compared to other top 4 countries. India unicorn base is increased by 87% from last year. When large countries like China are struggling from slowdown and changing policies India start-up ecosystem continue to thrive. Also, nearly ~47% of the total unicorns in India are created in 2021 itself and the surprising part is we still have 2 more months to go.

So, we already know that we are growing but what feels better is that we are growing stronger and faster compared to the global countries and presenting a power packed start-up growth story. A story which can be followed by many other countries to scale their start-up ecosystem.

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