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Virtual Webinar | Leveraging Through Unprecedented Change

23rd Feb, 2025

12:06PM to 12:06PM IST





COVID19 has had a tremendous effect heading toward more isolation and protectionism – we need to collaborate more, not less. From changes in cash flow projections to future planning, every aspect needs restructuring.

Staffing and talent management is the envelope layer enabling technology and process pieces together. It is important to realign both the organizations’ short term and long term strategies to mitigate this impact and come out as the leading sector. Some hard choices have to be made and they need deliberation and viewpoints of multiple experts.

Date: October 6, 2020
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Who Should Attend

The virtual webinar is designed exclusively for change leaders responsible for transformation and direction setting enterprise-wide or at the business unit level.
•Business Leaders
•Organization Design
•Human Resources/People
•Talent & Learning
•Project Management

Outsourcing is especially popular during a recession because third parties can provide KPI based merchandising, salesforce management, and other back-office services resulting in better productivity, more flexibility, and cost optimization.

As an invitation-only event, the webinar offers executives such as yourself a thought leadership environment for a focused discussion of new drivers shaping the staffing space.

Click here to register.

Looking forward to seeing you in the virtual webinar.


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