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#AutismRevolution: Navigating the River of  Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) leveraging the Evolutionary Advantage of Autism
#AutismRevolution: Navigating the River of Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) leveraging the Evolutionary Advantage of Autism




Autism Neurodiversity and inclusivity AutismRevolution

Why is Autism so important in understanding the evolving landscape of Neurodivergence in the world today?


Because, Autism is the next stage in Human Evolution with the global rates of autism incidence and prevalence rising at an unprecedented rate, and Inclusivity is the natural outcome of this Evolutionary Surge.


More importantly, the Evolutionary Advantage offered by autism is the inherent essence of 'Energy Sensitivity' that was mostly dormant in the human DNA is now coming to the fore with complete activation of this quality through the Autistic Individuals on this planet.


It is ONLY when this understanding of Autism being an Energy-Sensitive state of being is understood EXPERIENTIALLY by both autistic and neurotypical humans that truly Empowering inclusivity in the workplace is possible, leading to thriving of humanity as a whole.


Communication and Support are key in this "marriage" between the neurotypical and autistic beings for smooth sailing towards self-actualization in a fulfilling manner.


And for communication to be fluid, the definitions need to be updated.


Starting with "Autism is an Energy Sensitive state of being. At the lower frequencies the limiting symptoms dominate and at the higher frequencies the gifts and talents bloom". Learning to stay more and more consistently in the higher frequencies brings out the best in the autistic person while liberating the neurotypical person to expand and discover the energy sensitivity lying dormant in their DNA too, although inactive to a large degree.


So HOW do both the neurotypical and the autistic person share the boat and paddle towards any goal relevant to them, while learning to communicate in a language that is relatively "new" and that language being the language of ENERGY?


It is by learning to FEEL one's way and experience the language beyond the vocabulary and then the words for communication flow with more and more ease, if at all necessary.


One way to do that is by applying Intent Healing(TM) self-healing process that is tried and tested and well-established in helping people on the Autism Spectrum, thrive at their own pace. This is BOTH for neurotypical and autistic beings and is truly "inclusive' in that sense and more.


And then what happens?


The other component of a happy "marriage" , which is support, unfolds with more and more ease and pathways down the river of DEI open up for THRIVING as an individual and as an organization to become a tangible reality beyond the "buzzword" that DEI could easily become pigeon-holed into.


The kind of support that neurotypical people can bring to the boat on this journey includes Grounding, Stability, and having the anchor ready to use when necessary. In order to know WHEN each of these or a combination of these is necessary on this inclusivity journey while traveling with the autistic being, they too need to upskill themselves with any "self-healing" approach that helps them feel all these feelings within themselves first.


What autistic beings bring on this journey without even being aware that they are doing so are the gifts and talents they have that come to the fore through their unwavering power of Focus, Loyalty, and more, which can add immense value to not just the organization, but to the entire humanity through innovations and creative genius relevant to their areas of interest. This can flow when they learn to leverage the power of their energy sensitivity understanding and knowing and unapologetically expressing themselves as Energy Beings in the "safe space" provided in an organization that is ready for this #AutismRevolution.


Now, what do the terms Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity WITHIN autism stand for?


Diversity: Autism is a spectrum disorder, which means there is diversity within this spectrum too

Equity: Each person is unique on the spectrum and their needs are unique too and need to be met as and when they are revealed

Inclusivity: it is more of the autistic people who need to become comfortable about including you into their “ world” and it is less about you/ NT trying to include autistic beings into “your world”!



The nature of neurodiversity in Energy Terms:


The "Diversity" of spectrums within the autism spectrum:


Diversity and Inclusivity: Navigating the waters with Autism image widget

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