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24th Feb, 2021

04:30PM to 06:00PM IST





India has enacted all its four labour codes, being The Code on Wages, 2019, The Industrial Relations Code, 2020, The Code on Social Security, 2020 and The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020. These four codes are set to replace 29 national level labour laws, which constitutes the most significant change in the history of Indian labour laws. The codes are now awaiting finalisation of the rules and notification of their effective dates by the government.


For a while, the government has been actively working towards codifying and consolidating the multiple old and archaic labour laws to enhance ease of doing business in India. Broadly, the codes focus on (a) expand the coverage and applicability of certain labour laws, (b) remove multiple and overlapping definitions, (c) increase penalties for non-compliance, (d) strengthen labour law enforcement and (e) digitize and simply compliance procedures.


Considering that the effective date of these codes can be expected soon, it is critical for employers to understand the key aspects of the new codes in order  to be prepared for a smooth transition and also to ensure compliance.  In this backdrop, NASSCOM is organising an interactive webinar for our members on the labour reforms and its impact on the IT-BPM industry on 24th February 2021 from 11 am to 12:30 pm (IST). The webinar will touch upon the key changes that are brought in the codes and their impact on the employers particularly related to new ‘wages’ definition, work from home related obligations, contract labour definition, etc.

It is our pleasure to invite you to this important webinar. The agenda and the registration link are appended below for your kind reference.

11.00 – 11.05 amOpening RemarksAshish Aggarwal, Senior Director and Head – Policy, NASSCOM
11:05 – 12.00 pmPanel Discussion on Labour Reforms and Its Impact on the IT-BPM Industry

Moderated by Ashish Aggarwal, NASSCOM

  • Vikram Shroff, Head, HR Law, Nishith Desai Associates


  • Swarnima, Partner, Trilegal


  • Saraswathi Kasturirangan, Partner, Deloitte
12:00 – 12:25   pmQ&A session
12:25 – 12:30 pmClosing remarksAshish Aggarwal, NASSCOM


Registration link: Click here to register

We look forward to your participation


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