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Agritech Case Study Series: RMSI Pvt. Ltd.

May 29, 2019



Development of web and mobile-phone based agro-weather tools for agricultural decision making in Kenya and Ethiopia for Climate Smart Agriculture
Name of Organization: RMSI Pvt. Ltd.
Year of Incorporation: August 2013
Technology Used: Rendering: Mobile & Web based Back-end development: asp .net Relational Databases: PostgreSQL Front-end development: : .net, JSON Graphic Design: CSS, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop


1. Tell us about your product/solution in brief.
Farmers in Kenya and Ethiopia face a lot of crop-losses due to lack of advisory triggered out of weather conditions. Consequently, the Government of Kenya & Ethiopia through the World Bank decided to implement an ICT based agro-weather advisory system.

The overall objective of this study was to develop web and mobile-phone based agro-weather tools that incorporate climate-information and best-bet agronomic management recommendations for the farmers. These tools will help farmers to plan and manage weather risks, maximize productivity, and minimize the environmental impacts of farming practices.

The entire agro-weather platform was built using three key-components:

A. A Web based Weather Based Advisory System
A web-based application of agro-weather Decision Support System (DSS) was created with an aim to develop and disseminate information on farming practices and alerts focusing on decisions linked to weather forecasts during cropping seasons for local application. Once a farmer registers on the system, the farmer automatically receives alerts throughout the cropping season.

B. Implementation of an SMS Based Alert System for Farmers
Once the advisory is generated on the web platform, it is automatically sent to the mobile numbers of all farmers after translation into local languages

C. Development of a Mobile Application for Agro-weather Advisory
Additionally, a mobile app also helps to disseminate the advisory with the only limitation that incase of this mobile application, the user needs to have access to mobile data. In addition to the advisory, the user also receives weather maps.

2. Mention the geographic area where your solution is implemented and give us details of the intervention.
Kenya and Ethiopia – Embu district of Kenya and Ada’a district of Ethiopia
Intervention: Agro-advisories have been implemented for five key crops (i.e., bean, maize, sorghum, tea, and coffee) in Kenya and four key crops (i.e., chickpea, lentil, teff, and wheat) in Ethiopia.

3. What was the objective of the project and how much of it was achieved?
The overall objective of this study was to develop web and mobile-phone based agro-weather tools that incorporate climate-information and best-bet agronomic management recommendations for the farmers. These tools are helping farmers to plan and manage weather risks, maximize productivity, and minimize the environmental impacts of farming practices.

In the first year of its implementation, the authorities were expecting an enrollment of atleast 1000 farmers within the pilot area. But, 4000 farmers enrolled in the very first season of the implementation.

4. Give details of the cost of your solution and scope of scalability
USD 250000

5. Are you looking for partners? Mention details of partnership.
Weather forecast service provider as weather forecast is one of key inputs required to provide this kind of service to the farming communities.

Interface of Agro-Weather Tool

Interface of advisory update




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