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Get Dealer Management System for Autonomous Vehicle, The Future Of Mobility

April 16, 2018



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Advancement in electric vehicles and machine learning, along with the popularity of ride-sharing technology are driving fully ? (AV) as a reality in recent future. With conditional automation already in place in certain parts of the world, the experts say that the year 2021 will see the fully AV in the form of freight and city transit.

In the scenario of changing supply chain, the OEMs would need to adopt a new mode of operations. Considerable reduction in the transportation cost can lead to supply chain restructuring and intensify the pressure to have shorter lead times making it imperative to have a good quality #dealer #management #system.

Why DMS Becomes Necessary

An efficient and customized dealer management system addresses diverse requirements encompassing the pivotal areas like pre-sales, and #sales, it gives flawless and easy-flowing operational experience to the OEMs, and It ensures an exceptional buying experience to the customers, right from Enquiry to After-sales service. The DMS #Mobile Application enables real-time vehicles and spares management which plays a crucial role in after-sales. With the help  organizations can get improved sales forecasting and thus strengthen their future business plans in today’s competitive world.

Visite Get Dealer Management System for Autonomous Vehicle, The Future Of Mobility  to get complete idea.


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