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Challenges and Promise of IoT in Healthcare

April 25, 2018




The ‘internet’ of people changed the world well there’s a new internet emerging and it’s poised to change the world again this new internet is not just about connecting people it’s about connecting things and so it’s named the Internet of Things.

Ok so connecting things to the internet big deal right well it kind of is and here’s why because things can start to share their experiences with other things, you take things and then you add the ability to sense and communicate and touch and control and there you get an opportunity for things to interact and collaborate with other things so think of it like this, we as human beings, we interact and contribute and collaborate with other people in our own environment through our five senses we are seeing and smelling and in touch and taste and hearing, right well imagine things with the ability to sense and to touch and then add the than ability to communicate and that’s where the internet of people and the internet of things intersect. I believe like the internet revolution, IoT opportunity is transformative. 

However there are few challenges   Some of the challenges that I can think of is like the interoperability issues of different software programs we do have an issue of  Heterogeneity of sensors and networks also last mile gap in delivering quality of service & Security with regard to  Privacy and Governance.

Broadly Challenges could be categorized under

Integration:  Gadgets & Devices

The diversity of devices in the networks is another obstacle for the successful implementation of IoT in healthcare.  The problem lies in the fact that the device manufacturers do not have an agreed-upon set of communication protocols and standards. The lack of uniformity among the connected medical devices also significantly reduces the opportunities of scaling the use of IoT in healthcare.

Security: Data Transmissions at risk

The main concern for regulatory bodies and users alike is, of course, the security of personal health information that is stored and transmitted by the connected devices. Strict access controls are required to ensure compliance with healthcare regulations.

Analytics : Data insights

Even though the process of collecting and aggregating data comes with complications, healthcare IoT is responsible for accumulating massive amounts of valuable data it can be used to benefit the patients, however deriving the insights from immense amounts of data is problematic without sophisticated analytics programs and data professionals.

A critical path to improving healthcare efficiency is to shift focus from acute care to early intervention. Remote patient monitoring technologies would be just a small cog in the wheel of Connected health. Health and fitness monitoring will precede patient monitoring as the driver for IoT solutions in healthcare. IoT in healthcare holds great promise for the coming generations because it could just transform the quality of life of the aging population. IoT could feel a bit intrusive  at times for the current generations, but looking at the trends it would help the millennials and the aging populations both get really helpful insight about the status of their health and act upon them.

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