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Greentable June 2024
Greentable June 2024



On 13th June, 2024 nasscom in partnership with Brookfield conducted nasscom’s June 2024 edition of Greentable which focused on:

The participants validated the major findings of the report and discussed on similar lines. They also agreed that sustainability remains a key pillar for tech organizations, and also a key supplier priority for most of their global clients. Some best practices that were highlighted during the discussion which continue to make a big impact:

  • Use of Renewable Energy
    • There is a preference for Installation of roof captives, group captives, followed by open access and green tariffs
    • Increased focus on Leed Certification of Buildings


  • Efficient use of Energy
    • Temperature Setting of the Acs at an optimum level is a simple yet effective step in energy usage
  • Employee Commute:
    • Use of EVs in employee commute, preferential parking for EVs
    • Incentives for using EVs and public transportation
    • Companies are looking at Air Travel Budget and Carbon Budgets together to minimize their carbon footprint

Key Challenges:

  • Real-Estate Providers - Building  Fit outs and equipment are part of the scope 3 emissions, emissions from these fit outs over the lifecycle of the building (there are at least 5-6 fit outs over a lifecycle of a building) has more emissions than the building itself.
  • Tenants - Use of renewable energy in leased buildings remains a key challenge as companies have limited control over the energy related decisions, even pilots in this direction are difficult to implement. Property providers can look at this challenge at the establishment level
  • Availability of renewable energy across different cities is also a challenge, this inturn is effecting companies decisions with respect to new office locations
  • For EVs charging infrastructure and vehicle range remains a challenge; a future challenge could be recycling of batteries, though infrastructure support for the same is expected to be ion place in the coming years
  • First Mile and Last Mile connectivity incase of public transport, at times more commuting time.
  • Data for Scope 3 emissions remains a key challenge, companies are looking at data analytics and law of averages for the calculating the same.


Key Recommendations

Organizations -  Make employees part of the sustainability journey

Real Estate Providers – Support organizations in implementing renewable energy; common shuttle services for public transportation can be managed for all occupiers of the buildings, a win win for both tenants as well as the provider on sustainability

Trade Bodies

  • To play a role in authentication of sustainability initiatives, this would help companies in getting into verified projects which would give log-term benefits
  • Support in accreditation of the suppliers on sustainability parameters, providing a common base of accredited suppliers

The above is a quick snapshot of the discussion while a lot more details on similar lines have been added in nasscom’s sustainability report. Keep following nasscom community on the subject as I cover some more details in my next set of blogs.

Happy Reading!


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Neha Jain
Senior Analyst

Neha Jain

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