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Israel Tech Alliance Program 2019

March 19, 2019



We are pleased to apprise you on our recently concluded Israel Tech Alliance program that was held on 5-8 March 2019. The program was a combination of awareness of the tech landscape, meeting all the relevant stakeholders, focused B2B’s for our members, exploration of potential co-creation models. The participants were a nice mix of large IT services companies, SMEs, GCCs, Product companies & Start-up’s.

While the detailed update is attached herewith, few key highlights are mentioned below for your reference –

  • Program was led by NASSCOM President and we had 22 participants from 10 companies attending the program. This was one of the most diverse set of companies we have had in recent times.
  • We had organised an Indian pavilion during OurCrowd Summit in Jerusalem, we managed to get the entire funding of USD 25,000/ for the same from the Indian Mission in Israel. This provided a great opportunity for our startup’s and companies to showcase in front of 10,000+ delegates, 2000+ startups, 500+ VCs, 500+ global corporations attending the summit.
  • NASSCOM President gave Key Note address at the Israel India Innovation Conference, that was attended by over 350+ companies from Israel and India. She highlighted how India and Israel should collaborate to define new norms of digital world. The keynote help set the tone for the entire program and created excitement about the visiting NASSCOM companies.
  • NASSCOM President was part of the global panel at OurCrowd summit on what it takes to successfully build an innovation ecosystem and where will the Next Google Come from? This helped us getting the spotlight on the Indian Startup ecosystem
  • All the participating companies managed to get the right meetings and couple of impact stories –
    • Jobtech is a HR Technology startup that was part of the program and have managed to get lot of interest from 3-4 potential investors. They have also identified few partners with whom they can potentially collaborate and qualify for various available grants.
    • Locus have shown keen interest to set the office in Israel and NASSCOM have connected them with the Indian Embassy and they have promised for all the required support.

Special observations –

  • NASSCOM’s close collaboration with various international stakeholders and embassy’s stand out, as we managed to deliver a water tight program even when so many other associations were doing the similar trips to Israel during the same time. Our agenda was far stronger and high on content, with most relevant partners on board.
  • Members also appreciated how the NASSCOM team was involved completely with the members throughout the program, below statement from the startup gives some insights in to the same-
    • ’Debjani Mam helped me get through a few problems at the OurCrowd Global Investor Summit in the morning, after which we saw a great level of interest from attendees. The delegation was very happy about the kind of support and events that were planned. Each member of the delegation met with great companies in their interest areas”, Vedant Pasari, Founder, Jobtech
  • One of the company joined our Program even when they were offered free passes by the Zinnov team for the program hosted by them in Tel Aviv. This also highlights the importance and value our member companies see in NASSCOM programs.

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