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COVID-19 has threatened not only our physiological health but also hampered our mental well-being. The same is especially true for everyone in the business world. Professionals around the globe have been struggling to keep up. With so many changes that the pandemic has forced down their throats, who can blame them? The adjustments that they are constantly making have taken their toll. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) included burnout in its International Classification of Diseases.


We can say, it is only because of the empathetic approach of a few mindful businesses that the corporate world is still standing. They have been exceptionally swift in extending mental healthcare resources across the board. Herein, HR managers deserve a major chunk of the applause. Despite facing the same impending doom as others, they have shielded numerous employees from succumbing under the weight of burnout. 


However, their sacrifice has not come without a personal cost. Many HR managers are also facing signs of mental health degradation, and it is about time that we advocate for their wellness. So, here are 7 actionable tips from PRSOLKELLY that HR managers can use to safeguard their mental fitness: -  


1. Share your thoughts with Supervisors


Organizations have hierarchies for a reason. So, do not shy away from sharing your unique experience with your superiors. Give them the chance to extend the same sense of empathy towards you that you invariably must have extended towards so many others. Doing so will help you take objective input from professionals with more experience than you, and help you make more sense of your own predicament. Thereafter, you can even draw lessons from your own predisposition, and use them to help the rest of the workforce. 


2. Take time off


As an HR manager, it is intuitive for you to encourage other people in the workforce to take some time off. However, things become a little more elusive when your own mental health takes center stage. You are not to blame though. Burnout sneaks under a person’s skin like an invisible contaminant and begins to corrode them from the inside. It is a challenge to be proactive in its identification and to take a break to recharge your energy reservoirs. Even more so when your entire team’s well-being is your responsibility. Nonetheless, do not delay taking a step back when doing so is necessary. 


3. Devote time to family


Spending time with loved ones is one of the most powerful ways to feel rejuvenated. It helps you get in touch with the important things in life and allows you to think clearly about the big picture. Moreover, your family members are also likely to appreciate a chance to slow down and reconnect. It is amid catastrophes that your family’s love and support feel the warmest.  


4. Build a happiness plan


Owing to their profession, HR managers have a penchant for understanding their own needs as well as that of others. So, it would be exciting for you to take cognizance of your mental health, and to brainstorm ways to keep it in shape. Simply put, building a happiness plan will not just give you ways to sustain your well-being, but will also feel like an adventure. It will arm you with a precise toolkit to keep your Zen mode on and equip you with the right emotional state to care for your team members. 


5. Re-prioritize your goals


What made sense a year ago barely makes any sense now. Given the outbreak of a global pandemic, concrete plans and strategies have given way to uncertainty and chaos. So, it is perfectly logical for you to recalibrate, and to understand where you want to focus next. Think about your priorities from a lens of radical kindness, and do not be afraid to voice what you really want. Resist subduing the voice of your inner compass even if it commands you to shift gears and cool off on the professional front for a while. 


6. Get lost in your own world


In a landscape where the air itself is threatening to your survival, being overwhelmed is a very natural response. Moreover, HR managers have lately had some tough shoes to fill. They have acted as robust walls shielding their team members from feelings of despair and helplessness. However, doing so can make you out of touch with your intuition. So, take the time to bask in your internal world, and reconnect with the subtleties that your senses register. Be myopic in the pursuit of inner harmony and build back your proclivity for living in the moment. 


7. Ask for help


HR managers are esteemed professionals well-versed in the intricacies of interpersonal as well as intrapersonal relationships. They are aware that resilience shines the best when illuminated by a spirit of collaboration. The adage, ‘no man is an island,’ perfectly captures the sentiment we are trying to portray. More precisely, human beings have always needed each other to get through fiascos, and the one we are currently facing is no different. Furthermore, every second you delay seeking assistance is a window of opportunity for the seeds of burnout to grow deeper. So, reach out for help the moment you think you need it. 




The pandemic has taken no prisoners. It has inflicted as many casualties as it could, and the destruction it initiated is still underway. But, despite exceeding their limits by huge margins, humans all over have still held on to hope. We have weathered this unbelievable storm for more than a year now and will surely survive past its endgame. However, we must do our best to keep COVID-19’s shadow from seeping under our skins. Believe us when we say that a well-deserved sigh of relief is just around the corner. Until then, we hope that reading these tips empower HR managers to look out for themselves, thereby granting them the strength to look out for others. 

This article was originally published on PERSOLKELLY India blog here 

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