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Migrating Effectively to Alibaba Cloud

30th Jun, 2020 to 1st Jul, 2020

11:30PM to 12:30AM IST





Would you like to find out the common challenges in Cloud Migration for businesses? This webinar will share are the solutions and support that Alibaba Cloud provides to businesses in the migration process.

You will learn the cloud migration methodology, what will happen when cloud migration starts (migration team, technology and planning), types of migration (image and application migration) and what are the supports provided by Alibaba Cloud that will help ease the transition process.

This virtual conference is brought to you by Alibaba Cloud, the 3rd largest public cloud service provider, worldwide. Alibaba Cloud offers 250+  Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) products and services to enable businesses of different sizes. To know more about Alibaba Cloud, please visit our website ( or call our dedicated SME Consulting Team at +91-11-71279699.

Alibaba Cloud

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