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Learning need not be Interrupted while everything else gets Disrupted

March 26, 2020



Did you know that Isaac Newton conceived of most of his ground-breaking ideas when he was confined to home during the great plague of 1665.  According to biographer Philip Steele, Newton’s “genius was unleashed. The precious material that resulted was a new understanding of the world.”

As the entire country goes into a lockdown to fight COVID-19 and home becomes the new workplace, learning and upgrading ourselves need not be put on hold. It is hard to think of it in this way but it could be the proverbial silver lining; Utilising the extended time-off to develop a new skill or to pursue advanced training in something you already have the basics of.

It is developing this culture of continuous learning that will help us all be ready to face the future, when this is all behind us.

Learning to use various tools and technologies to work remotely and still stay connected with our team mates, clients and partners, we realise that lifelong learning is the key to staying competitive and relevant.

Read more on Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning at:

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