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Now that India Inc has caught up to the reality of Neurodiversity being an important component of a company's growth and success, Inclusivity has become indispensable for all the advantages that it brings to thrive in the rapidly evolving global workspace.

While it is indeed heartening to see the enthusiastic and vibrant pictures of DEI posted on platforms such as Linkedin, where organizations and companies are setting the stage for DEI to be cemented into the work culture beyond "trends" and "buzzwords", what will truly help the Inclusion to happen in an accelerated manner is by starting at the very basics, in Schools.

The challenge of Neurodiversity, and especially Autism, starts very early, as early as during pregnancy itself. More on that in another article, but in the context of this article, these challenges gain the spotlight when the autistic child enters or is rejected entry into schools, starting with pre-schools and playschools.

This is the Ground Reality GLOBALLY- The one aspect that invariably "unites" almost all parents with children with autism, regardless of where the child is on the "spectrum" of "ASD".

Why is this so?

While the factors are many, let's address the one aspect in autism that "rattles" most parents and teachers which then becomes the "ultimate" benchmark for "inclusion" or "rejection" from the schools- BEHAVIORAL challenges. These may range from "not making eye contact" to "violent or harmful behavior against the self and others" and a whole lot in between, depending on the "tolerance levels" of each school and cultural setting in each country.

The extreme "solutions" that are legally approved in some countries are in the range of ECT and Euthanasia for Autistic CHILDREN and Adults respectively, who are "Unmanageable with Self Harming" behavior : and

On the seemingly "less extreme" side are myriads of "behavior modifying techniques and practices" and "coping mechanisms", generally a mix and match of trial and error combos, mostly a shot in the dark or "hoping" that "something will work".

ALL these options "work" in some, but in not in ALL autistic individuals and the scientific reason for this scenario is explored in the article, whose link is given at the bottom of this article for those who maybe interested to know WHY.

Options that address the TRUE reason for these behavioral challenges in Autism, among all other symptoms are the ones based on Applied Energy Medicine and Applied Intentional Epigenetics, like Intent Healing(TM).

Coming to the title of this article, Authentic Diversity and Inclusivity in schools the world over can become a reality, only when NON-INVASIVE and Empowering solutions that deliver Results are incorporated in the schools, and the children are taught Self-Healing Applied Energy Medicine techniques that can be applied and practiced on their own, in the school itself.

This would Empower the child for LIFE as they gain immense CONFIDENCE that they can address their challenges, behavioral and otherwise, on their own, independently.

Then, when they become adults and enter the workplace, DEI is a truly liberating experience for them, as by then, most would have discovered their gifts and talents and not necessarily overwhelmed by their challenges and they are in a position to ARTICULATE, with or without words as to what they WANT and NEED in the organizations and roles they chose to explore and engage in while bringing perspectives and solutions that serve the needs of humanity itself, beyond the companies and spaces that make the WISE choice to welcome them.

Is this some "Utopic" idea or is this Practically possible?

Well, this was already tested in a school and the results were presented at an International Conference for Holistic Enhancement of Learning Potential, way back in 2009.

Children with Autism and other learning disabilities too were taught to do self-healing with Intent Healing(TM) in the school itself and they applied the same and the progress and positive shifts in the children were documented and shared as case studies.



The RESULTS are seen from Day One of applying the self-healing and once this becomes an integral part of the child's life.

The "Problem" and the "Solution" often co-exist. The question is is the solution VISIBLE to You?

That depends on whether You are on the frequency and bandwidth of the spectrum of the solution(s) for you to be able to See and then access the same for your specific life situation. Self-healing helps you raise your energies to be on the frequency of being able to receive this solution in Autism too. This is pure quantum physics in action and you can read the previous article on this page to know the scientific basis of this understanding.

Concluding this post with the DEI understanding concerning Autism in schools:

Diversity: Each child/person is unique on the autism spectrum, leading to confusion and sometimes backlash w.r.t. DEI. This can be addressed by helping each child discover the unique expression of their gifts and talents and help them thrive.

Equity: Helping the autistic child to articulate and attract what they truly need as their needs evolve.

Inclusivity: Inclusive life experience where each one is a unique piece of the "puzzle" and they learn to know what is unique in them. Then they can authentically and unapologetically express the same with passion, focus and ease.

Autism Treatments that Work and How:

Autism Incusivity through Wall Art:





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Authentic Autism Solutions(TM) See Results From Day ONE
Founder and Director Dr Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy, Autism Expert

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