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A new you as you have shed and/or bleed away the old cells. Literally.
New perspectives and lived experiences of the "same old" cycles and patterns. Period.
Or not?
Because, as a new year begins, it has brought into focus the need to re-educate one and all, especially those in power, in the government, making policies that impact Gen Z mainly as they struggle to find their way, purpose, and meaning in these challenging albeit exciting times of great global change.
Starting with the changes in their bodies, biology, physiology, comprehension, perspectives, expectations, rights, responsibilities, and more.
This is a result of the evolution of the Human Species itself, discovering themselves on multiple levels simultaneously as beings fundamentally governed by Energy Dynamics of inhabiting a body that is more and more of Energy and less and less of material "stuff". The in-your-face presentation of this evolution is being seen in autistic human beings on the planet.
At least, the AWARENESS of this evolved understanding of human beings is being fast-forwarded like never before, through the BASICS of identification being stated as "I AM".
Statements such as I AM .... straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, gender-fluid, asexual, queer......
Point taken that there have been human beings on the planet who have KNOWN themselves as being "different" since the time humans have existed on this planet, but, for the most part, they were stigmatized or ostracised for being so in most cultures and "respectable" societies.
The situation is better now, or SHOULD BE, is what one would expect, but the recent controversy surrounding statements made about menstruation by a sitting minister in parliament has exposed that the ground reality is far from being progressive, inclusive, and compassionate, to say the least.
As more and more individuals on this planet are choosing to "come out" and own their uniqueness not limited to their sexuality and sexual orientation, but in a multitude of other ways of expression too, we stand at the threshold of a major shift in the way life is being lived, experienced, shared and our stories being consumed, finding resonance, dissonance or ignored/indifference, depending upon the individual and collective level of engagement of the "audience".
And this "audience" is expanding as the world has shrunk and become a global village, with everyone "involved/invested" in everyone else's lives. Like it or not.
There was/is a tradition in Indian Culture (south Indian, at least) where, even till about 50 years ago, when a girl first attains puberty, the whole "village/community" would know as this would be made as an announcement and a function would be held, inviting one and all, much to the embarrassment of the confused girl, in most cases. She would have no idea what was "happening" to her, let alone being showcased as a "success" for apparently "bleeding on time"!
The same lack of sensitivity, privacy, dignity, understanding, compassion, and more is being played out in a completely different form in a manner that raises more and more embarrassing questions, starting with- do the people deciding on these policies even know what they are deciding on and what the implications and the repercussions of their actions and statements are?
There is an absolute and urgent NEED to start with the BASICS. More so NOW than ever before.
In this article, I choose to focus on what CAN be done RIGHT NOW that can make an immediate difference to the QUALITY of ALL individuals experiencing the menstrual process in their lives through their own physical bodies or being of support to anyone/someone going through the experience in the current human condition we are all witnessing globally, holding the space for one another as we evolve individually and collectively.
With emphasis on autistic people dealing with the menstrual experience. Because, EVERY experience, including and especially the pain and discomfort around and during the periods is experienced in an amplified manner by almost all autistic beings due to their inherent highly Energy-Sensitive nature.
And, so, YES, menstruation is a "BIG DEAL" not just for autistic beings, but also for their caregivers and loved ones who care about them.
A few Keywords to use as guideposts in the following segment:
Another cycle. EACH cycle is and can be experienced differently if we learn to honor and allow for the Regeneration of the body, the Replenishment of the soul, and Remembering who we are as an integrated WHOLE Energy Being having a "human" experience in these physical bodies.
Note: “Men” have their “cycles” too. Except that they are mostly conditioned to varying degrees to "be a man and emotionally strong" depending on the culture, context, and degree of "wokeness". The majority of them do not physically bleed, that's all.
Of course, giving respect where it is due, don't we all know men - brothers, fathers, and partners who authentically care for you and support you through your feelings and emotions as you ride the monthly hormonal wave with its ups and downs each month? The world is a better place because of these souls, for sure.
As for LGBTQIA + they have their cycles depending on where each one is on the spectrum. Here, it would be of help to peruse this article to know about the "spectrum within the autism spectrum" whose link is shared at the end of this article.
How do you make sense of all this?
You can’t. At least, not yet.
But, You can be aware, compassionate, open, and supportive of one another.
And, Communicate, Communicate, Communicate. As best as you can. Be kind to yourself and communicate your needs. Every single human being on this planet is now vulnerable in some, way, shape, or form. Whether they are on the spectrum or not. Whether they menstruate or not. The chances are, if you communicate your needs, they are likely to be met!
Except that most autistic people communicate through the language of energy which they may not be aware of!
What's the Solution in such a scenario?
Learn this language of energy
SEE the difference
BE the example
Show it can be done.
What can be done?
Having a smooth, pain-free replenishing cycle with ease. Menstrual and other hormonal/emotional cycles too.
REST with that thought.
YES, this is possible and practical.
Without having to “pop a pill and show up for work".
Periods, and especially if there are no periods or issues with the cycles being "regular" need attention on a case-by-case basis. Primarily, time is needed for DE-STRESSING and getting the individual physiological, biological, emotional, hormonal, and mental "cycles" into their INDIVIDUAL NATURAL RHYTHM.
ALL these cycles are fundamentally dependent upon the Energy Patterns and Energy Signature of an individual. Here again, education and empowerment of autistic beings/women/anyone who has menstrual cycles and/or cycles driven by hormonal imbalances is an absolute must.
With climate change affecting the mind finally being recognized and acknowledged as a reality ALL humans on the planet are being subjected to and this is predicted to only worsen with the current climate situation all over the world, it makes sense on ALL levels to be equipped with non-invasive and self-empowering solutions that could help the ones applying the same, feel "in-control" of their lives (at least, in control of their responses to their life experiences in a manner that is enriching and life-affirming).
What needs to be recognized is that a woman having no periods faces greater challenges both short term and long term - PCOS, infertility, IVF Cycles, and other illnesses resulting in more absenteeism and more loss of "productivity" and the cycle goes on.
They need to rest, relax, recuperate, and remember their whole integrated selves so they get their periods naturally each cycle.
Till these scenarios stated above are “ accepted “ and “ normalized” as warranting paid period leave, WHY suffer through more painful cycles while you can have smooth periods or at least less painful ones right from today while you “wait” for the paid period leave to become the norm or the 3-5 days paid leave ( without periods too), the norm?
Gen Z Mental Health at Work: Image Credits Economic Times
Fear, anxiety, and stress add to the growing incidence and prevalence of early puberty, no periods, infertility, and additional health conditions and illnesses.
Therefore, Paid leave will happen.
Period or no Period
Autistic or NT
LGBTQAI + or not
The mind plays a major role in ALL cycles happening naturally while simultaneously finding the equilibrium and balance that is naturally healthy for the individual, ecosystem, and the planet.
Menstruating individuals may show up for work if left with no other choice, BUT the efficiency is most likely to be compromised, with a compromised overall health status while on their periods with these added additional facts factored in.
The common thread that connects and underlies ALL these factors affecting the menstrual experience in autistic beings is Energy Disturbances. This is because autistic beings are highly energy-sensitive and have challenges with energy boundaries and the presentation of symptoms is amplified in them when compared to the NT population.
Approaches that are usually employed by most menstruating women in the workplace:
No approach/ plan
Pop a pill and show up for work - a trend being normalized by celebrities and those in the movie industry
Put up with it
Fight and "lose or win" - ongoing
What works for ALL
Understanding the energy dynamics of your Unique needs and cycles
Self-healing plan BEFORE the periods for a liberating and soothing cycle addresses overall health, well-being, and vitality
For what and when?
Each person and not just a woman, gets to decide this.
Even practically speaking, the leave may be needed BEFORE the period to take REST and prepare beforehand so you have a smooth period.
It is not necessarily the same 3 or 5 days of “ trauma” for ALL women.
The agony in autistic beings starts WAY BEFORE the periods and some may choose to take the paid leave before the cycle to rest and prepare and have a smooth period and then to return with renewed and AUGMENTED energy and FOCUS for the rest of the days.
Whether one likes it or not, IF the main concern is that of "Productivity", here too paid leave trumps in Autism.
Where the “productivity”, Quality, and Quantum of “work” Is top notch if not up leveled at the least and this is how autistic genius makes itself visible for ALL to behold and benefit from!
With the majority of autistic beings having a "built-in" conscientiousness, honesty, and integrity barometer invariably overworking all the time ( if not messed up in confusing and damaging ways by childhood intervention in the form of ABA and other insane behavior modifying methods), the organization has nothing to worry about "losing productivity".
Far from it.
Your autistic employee, when their energies are in alignment with the wholeness of who they are, which is when they are well rested, satisfied, and feeling safe in the organization, will FLOW their genius through their work with enthusiasm and joy. And then, their very Presence lights up the space around them in a way that is truly healing for all.
Such is their power. That would be a truly fulfilling D and I experience, to say the least.
In fact, they could easily save your organization days of "irrelevant and useless work" that is being passed off in the name of "productivity" as they can see the bigger picture that most NTs may miss.
So WHY constrict their energies with the stress of having to work when they FEEL out of alignment and are stressed?
Bottom line: Three days of paid leave each month for people on the spectrum- autistic and/ or LGBTQ ( many people are in the mix as already shared in the link article below) is a MUST.
Just announcing and implementing paid leave softens the energies immediately and will reduce the pain in the periods.
By reducing the stress and constant Background Anxiety about those “ days” and the absence of periods (as in PCOS etc).
Stress relief, more hormonal balance, and more ease during the periods.
More regular cycles.
Multiple issues relating to stress and periods, including infertility are solved in one progressive and balancing move of paid (period) leave.
Finally, giving the freedom and the choice of availing or not availing the leave to the employees would anyway streamline the entire process for all concerned organically. Everything again circles back to Compassion, Trust, Communication and Support.
WHY is the title of this article "Much Ado about Nothing"?
Because the paid leave is MANDATORY for MENTAL HEALTH and Overall Wellbeing First.
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