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Tracking your Life... literally in all aspect

May 4, 2018






With AI and data collection in the biosciences and especially clinical medicine, this is a massive question likely to be coupled with a spiderweb of state, local and of central laws to emerge centered upon the charged debates on privacy – who gets the data, why, names, other associated data for context – it will be a hard road.

These are the big issues with AI and data gathering in general. In cars do you really want a record of everywhere you went? How long you stayed? Now with these med devices along with you PDAs you can be tracked? Now a connection to your BP and other vitals? This is starts to amount to 24/7 government or private firm monitoring. That’s not good to me yet it can be a big benefit. What to do?

Block Chain will be key here but just how truly private can it be?


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