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How A Premium Web Design Company Handles Clients

January 9, 2018



Dealing with different clients and different requirements is a part and parcel of being a web design company. Just like varied website requirements and clients, the market is full of amateurs as well as professional designers, developers who make every effort to grab an assignment and bother least about meeting project goals or client expectations. Amid this chaos and struggle of taking the wheel of industry, there are few companies that know the quality is invaluable so they focus on the multi-dimensional implementation application, and make quality an integral part of their business.

We’re discussing the core beliefs of a premium web design company here.

I was going through the statistics of web design industry lately and was quite impressed to see 57.7% of small and medium-sized businesses like to invest in a new or improved website. Taking cognizance of the fact that more than half of them are constantly on the lookout for good designers or web development companies, I asked Manish Bhalla, the CEO of FATbit Technologies, about the client expectations (pertaining to quality) of these businesses. FATbit largely caters to the segment of small and medium-sized businesses across the globe and has a striking range of e-commerce/marketplace platforms for them. 

Three things that make this process easier are,

  • Definite timelines
  • Client’s feedback and involvement at various stages
  • Guarantee to meet the objectives laid in the beginning

That said, there are chances to meet difficult clients even after you furnish the best possible results. To handle such situations, you can make client handling even more organized. Here’s how,

Make Presentation your BIG Stick

It’s obvious that when a client has dropped in a query, he certainly has few requirements & ideas to get implemented. Usually, things get messy when either of the parties sideline suggestions. Even if few suggestions sound freaky, it’s a blunder to refuse to budge from what you think is best for them. To avoid this deadlock, prefer offering your suggestion in such way that it looks close to what client has asked for. Why not include all the things instead of engaging in long arguments? But make sure you are able to show a glimpse of end-product in your mockup and wireframing stages. 

Make Things Clear

Clearly mention what compensation would be charged in case stipulated time is shortened.  Website designers know that good web designs take time but sadly, clients don’t realize the same. This leads to situations where designers can’t help but let out a shriek of working under unbelievable deadlines and compensation. To avoid such tight spots, make everything clear in the contract through clearly defined clauses.

Come up with a good contract

It’s a must for you as a professional website development company to get a good contract. Working without a contract can put you in a tight spot as there is no legal agreement between you and the client. If you don’t do that, you may not be able to define your rights appropriately.


Don’t try free contract templates available on the web as they won’t suit your specific needs. Consult rather an attorney who can make a good contract for you.  With this, you can ensure that your client does not demand unjustified things and thinks twice before raising an issue. Professional web designers are particularly known for their contracts as they avoid future conflicts.   

It’s not that tough to deal with difficult clients if you know your duties, goals & limitations well.


It can be a plain sailing if you stick to one simple rule i.e. Client is always right (just that a little consultation comes in handy at times, so try to offer your best).  If companies have been following this approach while dealing with its various clients from all over the world. It’s a challenge that we love accepting & enjoy winning time & again. Follow it to make your job easier.

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Great Blog! both bookmarked it and kept it in pdf format for future reference. Thanks for sharing.

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