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Why is QA now more important than ever?

July 20, 2020



Software Quality Assurance services - Cigniti Technologies

QA software testing has become more important than ever due to the advent of new and complex technologies like AI, IoT, cloud, mobility, virtual reality, and others. It ensures the successful functioning of such applications and pre-empts the occurrence of any security-related issues. 

The world is increasingly driven by digital technologies with software applications at their core. To ensure the smooth run of such technologies, the software and systems at their core should be validated through QA software testing. Unlike earlier, when software quality assurance was an add-on activity in the SDLC and mostly balked at by business stakeholders for being costly and time-consuming, it has become ‘the activity’ to be pursued. So, what has changed in the interim? The answer lies in the advent of newer and complex technologies and fast-changing market dynamics.

Yes, when it is about staying ahead in the competition, businesses have to offer the best customer experience. The new technologies to have taken the world by storm, namely, cloud computing, AI and ML, the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, mobility, and virtual reality, among others, have built-in complexities. This is due to the myriad interfaces they share with third-party devices and applications. In fact, their successful functioning is hinged on the proper interaction among various APIs, sensors, and systems.

To ensure quality at the core of all deliverables, enterprises are adopting Agile and DevOps methodologies of software development. Here, quality does not exist as a distinct process but a continuum in the SDLC. These methodologies entail the successful marriage of quality and development wherein the product is continuously updated according to customer expectations and demand. The outcome is a product of top-notch quality and reduced cost of operations.

What is quality assurance?

The enterprises of today want their software products to be adopted by customers at prices that give them the cushion of profitability and further scope for innovation. On the other hand, the tech-savvy customers of the day want the software applications to be robust and functional across a plethora of devices, operating platforms, browsers, and networks. Additionally, they want these products to be competitively priced. Interestingly, most of the time, the competing objectives of enterprises and customers do not meet. This is where software quality assurance testing does the needful from both counts.

From the enterprise’s perspective, quality assurance helps in streamlining processes, identifying and fixing glitches, reducing waste, and delivering great customer experiences. While from the customer perspective, the process of quality assurance and testing ensures the development and delivery of better quality products that can run across device systems and environments. Quality assurance is an assortment of both manual and automated practices that detects glitches in the code under development.

Why is QA now more important than ever?

The range of technologies involving sophisticated microprocessors with embedded software is used across many fields including healthcare. The successful functioning of such technologies can impact the lives of people in various ways. For example, with software applications being used to make payments online, any resident glitches or vulnerabilities can play havoc.

  • Healthcare impact: Today, most of the diagnostic tools, hospital management system, and critical care equipment have software embedded in them. The quality of such applications ultimately determines whether the systems, tools, or equipment will give accurate results. And since the lives of patients hinge on the successful functioning of such technologies (read heart lung machine, CT scan, and ventilator etc.,) they need to be of top-notch quality. No wonder, the role of software quality assurance services is so critical.
  • Ecommerce transactions: Software security has emerged as the greatest threat for enterprises with hackers lying in wait to exploit vulnerabilities in applications. The rising number of fraudulent transactions and data breaches point to the gravity of this menace. With proper software quality assurance being made part of the eCommerce application development process, any vulnerability or glitch can be fixed. Also, given the nature of emerging security threats, such applications should be continuously tested.
  • Internet of Things: IoT is the technology of the future where devices containing embedded software interact with each other through the internet. It will play a crucial role in making concepts like driverless cars etc., a reality. However, glitches in the embedded software can put paid to IoT unless they are mitigated/fixed through continuous QA software testing.
  • Big data: Software applications like ERP, CRM, and others deal with humongous sets of data to let the stakeholders draw insights and make business-critical decisions. A robust quality assurance exercise can look at various aspects of the software and ensure the delivery of outcomes that comply with the avowed business objectives.


Quality assurance has assumed salience given the negative impact of glitches/vulnerabilities/bugs on individuals, organizations, and entities. It helps any software application to comply with stringent regulations and protocols and delivers superior customer experiences – the ultimate differentiator in the successful adoption of any application.

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