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TECH BYTES – Monthly Tech Industry Bulletin February 2023

February 16, 2023 700 0 nasscom insights

TECH BYTES – Monthly Tech Industry Bulletin  February 2023

This monthly industry bulletin is our endeavor to aggregate and feature on a regular basis, key trends and insights shaping the technology sector. The information covered here is collated from publicly available sources and gives a bird’s eye view of what has happened in the technology sector during a particular month. The report will focus on a theme for the month and Industry Facts.

Key Highlights:

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Highlights from NASSCOM Reports Released in January 2023

  • Metaverse – Prepare To Win
  • Designing The Enterprise Of Tomorrow: Cloud Computing – A Compendium Of Case Studies

Theme of the Month: Metaverse – Prepare To Win

Key Insights

  • Metaverse definition is converging, with familiar components integrated into a novel technology:
    • Metaverse is a digital extension of the real world, defined by 4 attributes – Persistent, immersive virtual worlds, Interoperability, Concurrency, and Users having agency.
    • This novel internet avatar has seen accelerated development since 2020, driven by 6 factors including technology revolution, consumer readiness, rise of consumer-led marketing; significant PE, VC and M&A investment announced in metaverse.
  • While early adoption is strong, full-scale vision will emerge in 8-10 Years:
    • Enterprise and consumer metaverse adoption trends are similar to those of AI and internet in their early stages, 55%+ CXOs have at least one active Metaverse use case.
    • At-scale potential will be determined by factors –
      • Clarity on return on investments – CXOs find it difficult to justify RoI.
      • Technology readiness – nearly 1000X compute power needed.

Leader Talk: Discussion Series with Industry Experts on Niche Areas of Technology

  1. How Gen Z & Millennials are reshaping the Future of Workforce
    Panellists: Newgen Software, TATA Technologies
  2. Gig - The New Work Model
    Panellists: Giggr Technologies, Pactera EDGE

Tech Industry Insights- Trending Industry Themes

  • Tech Trends: Indian IT companies focus on Cloud technologies globally through setting up centres for better customer experience. Indian companies are helping global business transform their operations digitally.
  • ER&D Trends: Indian ER&D companies and institutes collaborate with global companies to explore digital manufacturing space.
  • Tech Start-ups: Deals worth Rs 196 Cr in funding startups signed at IIIE Conclave. Agritech sector accelerates with big techs investment.

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