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Future of Software Development Trends
Future of Software Development Trends

July 27, 2022



Every year brings new trends and changes in software development. And in the year 2022, there will be no exception. The length of each trend is not an indicator of their importance, but even now, we can confidently say that some of them will directly affect our work. They deserve attention.

Software development is a process that never ends and gets bigger and better. As a result, developers are always looking for new ways to improve the way we work, and in this article, we will discuss the new trends and what they mean for us.

1. Cloud-first: Everything as a service

It’s no secret that cloud computing is growing increasingly popular. The emergence of mobile devices, the need for software to be constantly connected, and the internet economy have led to the dominance of cloud services in almost every aspect of our lives.

The cloud-first policy will continue to grow, and this means that developers must be ready to build applications that run on the cloud from the ground up. Developing an application that is meant to run on a computer in a traditional fashion will be a waste of resources.

With the cloud-first policy, it is easier for developers to write web-based applications that can be accessed from any device with a browser and internet connection.

2. Cyber Security: The Internet of Threats

The Internet of Threats is gaining momentum with every passing day. As the IoT or Internet of Things evolves, more and more devices require development, which can be problematic and often leads to security problems.

Developers must place a high value on security, as cybercrime is more prevalent now than ever before. Therefore, the first pieces of code must be written with security as a priority. Otherwise, the consequences can be costly for businesses that rely on software to run day-to-day operations.

After the code is written with security as a priority, many tools are available to help detect any vulnerabilities before attackers can use them to gain access to sensitive data.

3. Machine learning: The next big thing

Machine learning is a hot topic for discussion. All the major players in software development are using it to some extent or another because its benefits are many. Machine learning allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed by exposing them to data and information that they can use to learn about their surroundings.

Machine learning is that part of computer science that examines how to make computers learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning has many uses, improving websites for end users. For example, the voice assistant on the latest smartphones is powered by machine learning. As a result, the accuracy of the voice assistant is due to machine learning.

4. Artificial intelligence: Still science fiction?

Artificial Intelligence is a very hot topic for discussion today. Artificial Intelligence has been a dream for many developers, and it is becoming a reality for many developers using machine learning. In addition, the applications that run on artificial intelligence can fit any industry and business.

The problem is that many developers and companies don’t understand how it works. However, as more developers learn about artificial intelligence, this will change in the coming years.

5. Deep learning: A new paradigm

Deep learning is the next revolution in artificial intelligence, and many developers are trying to learn how it works. However, there are some barriers, such as processing power and benefits for many developers. Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from examples, and it is more complex than other forms of machine learning.

Deep learning is not mainstream, but it will be the next big thing in software development. Many applications can potentially be built with deep learning, and it will change the way developers build applications in the future.

6. Database: Multi-model and multipurpose

The relational database will continue to exist, but new data stores have been invented recently. The main idea of these databases is to store data in different formats, which is also known as multi-model databases.

These new data stores are meant to store unstructured data that will become more prevalent as the years go by. Many companies have been relying on NoSQL databases for several years now, and they will continue to grow in popularity.

Relational databases are the most often used type, but it is losing popularity. Instead, the new hot thing is using NoSQL databases like MongoDB that are much faster when it comes to handling big data.

7. DevOps: Continuous deployment and integration

The term DevOps is a portmanteau of the words development and operations. It means that development and IT operations must work hand-in-hand to deliver software products. The idea is that the development process must be fast, flexible and automated. This means that testing will happen continuously, and it will be the default practice.

Thanks to DevOps, continuous deployment is becoming a reality that forces developers to think about quality from day one. The main idea behind DevOps is to reduce its time to go from writing code to deploying software online.

DevOps is all about the collaboration between the software development team and the operations team. This will continue to grow as developers become more aware of the importance of collaboration between these roles.

8. Programming with Python: It is easy to learn and powerful

Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is best for beginners because it is easy to learn and powerful simultaneously. Guido Van Rossum created Python, and the main idea behind the language was to be easily readable by humans. This means that other developers can easily understand what Python code is doing.

Python is a programming language that is the easiest to learn, but it is also a clear language that can do many things. As a result, Python is very popular with programmers and system administrators alike.

9. API: The lifeblood of applications

API or application programming interface and enables applications to communicate with each other. It means that software can talk to other pieces of software and exchange information. The API has become the lifeblood of applications, as most software now relies on them to do their work.

API is everywhere, which means that developers are expected to understand how to use API. This is because developers can build software much faster when they use an API to integrate with other services in the cloud. Restful API has been mainstream for a few years, and it is becoming more critical as time goes on.

10. Blockchain: The revolution is here

Blockchain technology enables secure transactions between people or organizations. Transactions between two parties can be recorded in a distributed and open ledger that is both verifiable and permanent.

Blockchain continues to be an up-and-coming technology in software development. Blockchain will not only change the way people invest, but it will also change the way software is developed in many other areas. In addition, blockchain has many uses that can benefit business applications.


These are the trends that will most affect software development in 2022. Moreover, these trends will continue to grow and become even more critical in the future.

Software development trends in 2022 are still evolving, but the expectation is that more technologies will change how software is built. The future looks promising as more developers become aware of collaboration between teams.

Source: Software Development Trends in 2022

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