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February 10, 2021





At Community by NASSCOM Insights, we talk about the latest insights from the global and Indian technology industry across different verticals and categories. In case you have missed, signing-up to one of the largest tech community in India, here’s your fortnightly dose of what happened in the technology arena in the last two weeks.




Managing Data Quality for a Thriving Retail Business
The Retail industry is extremely competitive, making it rather difficult for companies to stand out from the pack. This situation has only exacerbated as consumers have moved online, initially to seek convenience but now, out of lockdown and social distancing led necessity…[read more]


Contextualizing customer experiences in a connected digital economy
New technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), virtual assistants, chatbots, and robots, are generally powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), a very powerful transforming customer experience…[read more]


The Internet of Medical Things And Positive Disruption In The Healthcare Sector
Healthcare is now one of the largest sectors in India both in terms of revenue and employment, and it is booming thanks to increased investment by private players and the growing popularity of medical tourism. The government is looking…[read more]
Can Serverless Computing Change the Developer’s World Forever?
You can create a web app. And, you will no longer need to secure and manage a server.
Seems like a dream come true for a front-end developer? Well, hold your horses! A genuinely serverless reality is far away. ..[read more]
Sales & Consumer Promotion Campaigns simplified at last for best RoI
Loyalty, Referral, and Consumer Promotion programs can be much more difficult to administer than perceived. These programs are business-critical in driving top of the funnel metrics like user acquisition, sign-ups, leads, and also drive some bottom of the funnel metrics like LTV and upsell. ..[read more]
The Secret to Happiness is in Our Voice: Virtual Assistant
We live in an era where Google Assistant, Siri, and Amazon Alexa are virtually synonymous with our daily activities. As these virtual assistants grow smarter and more advanced, humans can seamlessly communicate with technology via voice and speech…[read more]
As The Crypto Market Matures, What Are Some Persistent Myths We Must Debunk?
Blockchain technology is the greatest disruption that took the internet by storm when Bitcoin was launched in 2009. Since then, it has evoked interest and earned the trust of millions…[read more]
The Big Data Management Revolution
It shows so much wisdom when people say it is not easy for you to manage things you cannot measure. The recent development of digital data is now very important for businesses. ..[read more]
Automatic Container Code Recognition Using Deep Learning
Deep Learning has provided a major boost to computer vision’s already rapidly expanding reach. A lot of new applications of computer vision technologies have been implemented with Deep Learning and are now becoming a part of our daily lives…[read more]
Secure OTA – Advanced Security for the IoT World
Internet Of Things (IoT) is arguably one of the most important technologies of this century. It is driving us to a rapidly digitized world. The hype around IoT has been around for some time, and a common phrase that one often hears was, “We will have 1 billion connected devices.”…[read more]
Overcoming data security challenges in a remote working environment
With COVID-19, the world has seen a shift from usual work place practises with many industries adapting remote working as a ‘Business as usual’ model. It would be safe to say that remote working is the new normal, and data security remains one of the biggest concerns…[read more]
Why is Intranet Portal indispensable for Startups to Scale?
Innovation has levitated a massive transformation in businesses & its impact has totally transformed how we operate. Intranets are the online internal portals of a company that holds the perfect avenue to store, organize and categorize crucial organizational information and carry out office operations in a seamless manner…[read more]



Evolving Terrain Of Cybersecurity For SMBs
We often see small businesses falling victim to cyber-attacks as a majority of them feel that they will not face any such incident and hence do not adopt a proactive approach when it comes to cybersecurity. As a result, the number of cyber-attacks targeting SMBs has seen consistent growth in the last few years…[read more]

Indian Cryptocurrency Market – What To Expect In 2021?
Indian Cryptocurrency Market – What To Expect In 2021?
2020 experienced a Bitcoin boom, with bitcoin price in INR surging to 23,61,651 as we rang in the new year. In the duration between January 2020 and December 2020, bitcoin price in INR grew by an impressive 317.2%, according to YCharts…[read more]


E-Commerce And COVID-19: How Retailers Have Responded To The Broader Social And Economic Changes!
2020 was a year people looked forward with greater expectations, a year in which innovative technologies would be introduced and a lot of new job opportunities were predicted for the younger generations. But barely halfway through, people are hoping it becomes 2021 already…[read more]





‘Managing to Stay Ahead’ in times of COVID-19
An InsurTech revolution is underway in India
5 Ways To Build Workforce Resilience In 2021

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