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NASSCOM Futureskills Develops Qualification Packs on AI & BDA

December 12, 2018



One of the key milestones achieved is the development of qualification packs and model curriculums for 19 job roles related to AI (Artificial Intelligence) & BDA (Big Data Analytics) that has been approved by NSDC (National Skills Development Corporation). This is a significant milepost that marks the beginning of a new era for skilling on next-gen technologies. Currently the QPs are pending approval from the NSDA. The team is now working on developing QPs for IOT, followed by cloud and cyber Security.

National Occupational Standards (NOS) or Occupational Standards (OS) define one key function in a job role. NOS specify the standard of performance an individual must achieve when carrying out a function in the workplace. These Occupational Standards are combined to a set, which is called Qualification Pack (QP).

Qualification Pack certifies a person for a specific job role. Each Qualification Pack also contains NSQF Level, which will theoretically make it possible to drive competency based training for every entry level job role in the IT-BPM industry. These packs are marked with a NSQF level, such as level 7. The Qualification Packs help in both the creation of curriculum and assessments.

Uses of Qualification Packs:

Once the QP is developed, it is easy to define a focused training and development ecosystem based on it. It is helpful in defining a job description for a job role, providing measurable performance outcomes for individual performance appraisals, devising appropriate recognition programmes, defining competency frameworks and providing support for career planning and progression.

Benefits of Qualification Packs:

For Organisations/Employers

Competitive Advantage

  • Increased business productivity by clearly defining competency levels
  • Reduced training budgets
  • Reduced recruitment efforts/spend
  • Targeted skill/capacity development interventions

Time to Market/Deploy

  • Reduced hiring time
  • Reduced training time

Effective Talent Management

  • Consistent set of standards for recruitment and selection processes
  • Ensure common standards of performance and quality when partnering with other organisations/agencies

For Employees

Increased Mobility within Industries

  • Well-defined career paths
  • Identify knowledge areas and skills needed for occupations and job roles
  • Informed career decisions

Manage Self-performance

  • Undertake self-assessment of their competencies against their own or other jobs

Training and Certifications

  • Provide a reference to assess ability and training needs
  • Provide guidelines for certification/accreditation

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