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GRAMAX Cybersec

Joined on 12 May, 2023

@ gramax-cybersec


GRAMAX Cybersec, a subsidiary of the GMR Group, has been founded with the goal of becoming a trusted partner for customers across multiple business verticals by leveraging the diverse experience of managing cybersecurity for critical infrastructure such as airports, power, and utilities. GRAMAX’s mission is to provide a comprehensive cybersecurity solutions and services offering that fosters “Trusted, Secure Partnerships” with customers and business partners in order to drive productivity, efficiency, and agility. GRAMAX is in a unique industry position to leverage GMR Group’s cross-functional expertise, which ensures security with professional manpower, techno security, and specialised services to address organisations’ comprehensive end-to-end security requirements. We strive to create the best environment for our customers to partner with us in securing their enterprise and protecting against any cyber or physical threat using our driving values “P.E.A.R.L” - Partnerships, Expertise

Areas of Interest

Cyber Security


Associate Manager – Operations


GMR Group

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