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Analysts Assemble - Global Services Location Index Ft. @KearneyOfficial



In the Video

Arjun Sethi
Partner & Head of APAC Region, A.T. Kearney

Achyuta Ghosh
Head - Insights, nasscom

Kearney’s Global Services Location Index (GSLI) helps companies and government institutions understand and compare the factors that make countries attractive as potential locations for offshoring. This year, the GSLI ranks 78 countries based on 52 metrics, up from 60 countries and 47 metrics in 2021.

A major focus of this year’s GSLI is highlighting the importance of talent regeneration in maintaining and enhancing the attractiveness of offshore locations. How rapidly a country reskills and redeploys its workforce in response to changing market demands and technological disruptions is influenced by factors such as its education system, labor market conditions, immigration policies, government support, and digital infrastructure. Countries that can quickly regenerate their talent pool have a competitive edge over those that face skills shortages and mismatches.

Overall, Asia Pacific countries remain in the lead. India, China, and Malaysia maintain their position as the top three countries thanks to their immense cost advantage, abundant talent pool, and strong skills. The United Kingdom has seen a notable change with its move up to fifth place—marking the first time a western economy has entered the top five.

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Regenerative talent pools The 2023 Kearney Global Services Location Index

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