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We Will Help You Navigate Choppy Waters

July 6, 2016



There really isn’t anything unlucky about the 13th edition of the NASSCOM HR Summit, except, if you miss it!

Let us accept the fact that the business environment is uncertain (VUCA?) and in all likelihood, will stay that way for some time. Digital, as it has done elsewhere, also brought about radical shifts in the HR profession. Perhaps that’s what seeded the theme of this conference, and as the theme suggests – “Navigating uncertain waters.”

Can HR deliver a success story and take the industry out of flux?

Surely it can!

So, what is bringing about this uncertainty? Analytics, Bots, Cloud, to name a few.

And exactly where, is it getting reflected? In People, Practices and Policies. It is time enough, to break down the Org Pyramid, to align business and people strategy for maximum impact, and get the CEOs buy-in.

As we get deluged with new learnings, we have to make space too, which makes the process of un-learning so essential. For instance, Gamification is a now a popular tool used by leaders to engage with employees. Inasmuch, the concept of leadership is being influenced by technology as well. It would be interesting to listen to the changing paradigm of leadership in these times. 

Yet another interesting observation is that the HR function is becoming outcome-based as well – a fuel-change of sorts for business. That’s radical! It will definitely change the organizational DNA, as we go along.

This is just an overview to acclimatize the reader about rapid change in HR way of thinking, its impact but most importantly, what are some of the best practices that will help us navigate choppy waters.  

The NASSCOM conclave attempts to do just that, through sessions featuring an array of very impressive speakers, who are themselves leading lights in their respective organizations.

We have retained our usual formats of keynotes, mash-ups and fireside chats to give you a ringside view of some of the successful strategies that’s being undertaken by organisations across the globe, and here in India in equal measure.     

Hope to see you in Chennai on 21st & 22nd July, at the NASSCOM HR Summit.

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