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nasscom insights

The Social Network vs. The Street Network

nasscom insights
February 25, 2019 682 0

by Sumeet SwarupThe image of the successful Silicon Valley startup is this – a genius geek develops a brilliant tech product and rolls it out over cyberspace and takes over the world – facebook, google, Airbnb, Dropbox, link...



nasscom insights
February 22, 2019 910 0

By Sumeet Swarup and Jibu EliasDo you remember the James Bond villains of the cold war era? They were always trying to start a war between USSR and USA so as to profit from it? Well, there is a new villain in town, and this one se...


Genetic Engineering

nasscom insights
February 14, 2019 637 0

by Sumeet SwarupIn November, 2018, He Jiankui, a scientist in China announced that he had successfully modified the genes of a human embryo, which had resulted in the birth of two baby girls (nicknamed Lulu and Nana) in Shenzhen. ...


Green Jersey, Dutch Sandwich, Irish Double and Single Malt

nasscom insights
February 14, 2019 1419 0

by Sumeet SwarupNo, this is not a Rugby game, or the menu of an evening dinner. These are slang names of techniques used to reduce taxes for corporates around the world. Each has its own intricacies, but to illustrate an Irish Dou...


Setting Rules for Artificial Intelligence

nasscom insights
February 14, 2019 845 0

by Sumeet SwarupPolicies and rules are usually planned for an area when the Government sees a current or future imbalance in an important sector, and it is felt that it is harming or going to harm certain stakeholders or unduly be...


The future of Computing Technology

nasscom insights
February 14, 2019 542 0

by Sumeet SwarupAt a recent discussion of the World Economic Forum Annual meeting, Mr. Antonio Neri, CEO for HP Enterprise predicted the end of Moore’s law due to the presence of Big Data. He said that the current digital computer...


Industrial Revolution 4.0

nasscom insights
February 14, 2019 764 0

by Sumeet SwarupThere is much talk these days about new terms such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0 and Globalization 4.0. Before we go into more details, a quick history lesson.The first Industrial Revolution too...

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