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Cyber Security & Privacy
Why SMBs Need MSSPs & What Benefits Can They Reap?

Why SMBs Need MSSPs & What Benefits Can They Reap?

Cyber Security & Privacy
August 6, 2020 1223 0

One of the most common misinterpretations among SMBs is that they are less likely to be targeted by cybercriminals. Most of them believe that large scale enterprises are the center of attraction for threat actors. Unfortunately, t...


The Best Tools for Web Application Security Testing

Cyber Security & Privacy Mobile & Web Development
August 6, 2020 734 0

Application security testing ensures the reliability and robustness of a web application. The tools needed for such testing, be it open-source or paid, should be able to identify the vulnerabilities and secure the application agai...


Part 1: Securing IoT with Asset Management

Cyber Security & Privacy IOT
July 31, 2020 362 0

Asset management is the process of keeping track of physical assets and information. Depending upon the business, physical assets can be IT devices, different kinds of equipment, tools or vehicles, etc.Traditionally, industries li...

Web Application Firewall: Don’t Let Attackers To Damage Your Web Presence

Web Application Firewall: Don’t Let Attackers To Damage Your Web Presence

Cyber Security & Privacy
July 6, 2020 664 0

The prevalence of web applications has exponentially increased as companies are focusing on interactive websites and web applications to streamline interaction with customers, collaboration with employees and make data 24/7 av...

Securing The Most Vulnerable Asset - Human

Securing The Most Vulnerable Asset - Human

Cyber Security & Privacy
July 2, 2020 371 0

Humans are viewed as the most susceptible link in the People-Process-Technology triad. Despite having robust security solutions like Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or firewall, your weakest link could let attackers bypass t...


4 Remarkable Strategies that can Save Your Organization from Phishing

Cyber Security & Privacy
June 30, 2020 256 0

In recent times, COVID-19 cases are not the only negative thing growing around the globe. Phishing is another dangerous aspect gaining exponential growth around the world. And the most common targets of the phishers are the corpor...


Simple Tips To Secure Your WordPress Blog/Website

Cyber Security & Privacy Mobile & Web Development
June 30, 2020 219 0

With the growing hacking attempts, here goes some simple but useful tips to secure your WordPress blog /sites.Tip 1: Don’t use ADMIN as the user nameUse a completely random username with the administrative rights. If you are using...

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