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How does one get started? Especially in large organizations, with multiple sub-cultures and thousands of employees? How do you “sell” change right across?

February 6, 2016 542 0

For mammoth-sized organisations which are spread across the globe, it may be a great challenge to get this done, if the focus has been otherwise. What would be some of the challenges, and how can they be overcome? Is it possible t...


How do orgs create that balance – how many features to include and what to leave out? Keeping the user interface simple

February 6, 2016 467 0

KISS – Keep it Simple Stupid, a common enough American acronym which sounds juvenile, but comes power-packed as far as philosophy goes. Simplicity should not be at the cost of leaving out features that would render the product / s...


Creative people are territorial. How do we get engineers and creative people on the same page? Can you bolster your insights with some real life examples?

Mobile & Web Development Uncategorized
February 6, 2016 580 0

Engineers and design team, are both territorial alike. Aesthetics and usability may seem the right thing to do, but building such a platform might involve a sophisticated level of programming complexities. Getting the two on the s...

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