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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation in Indian Agri-Business

Digital Transformation
July 4, 2016 583 0

By Titli ChatterjeeDigital transformation is currentlythe topic of discussion across all industries, for its business transformation approach. The digital age has been accelerating due to the evolving consumer demands, purchase dy...


In Conversation with Sumit Ganguli, CEO, GAVS

Digital Transformation
June 17, 2016 735 0

It was ironical that our call with Sumit Ganguli, which largely focused on Digital disruption, was truly disrupted due to an extremely rare power outage at Princeton, NJ, where Sumit resides. All of his appliances , computers and ...


In Conversation with Manu Dangi, Country Head Evalueserve

Digital Transformation
May 24, 2016 1186 0

Evalueserve has two offices in Guragon, and as luck would have it, we reached the “other” office only to do an instantaneous about-turn and reach the “right” office. A bit more research on the venue on our part, should have been p...


In Conversation With Sanjay K Goyal, Founder and CEO, ACL Mobile

Digital Transformation
May 20, 2016 765 0

A proficient leader and expert in the industry, Sanjay is a technology entrepreneur. His vast exposure and experience in building international businesses, start-ups and his love for tech-innovation were instrumental in the incept...


5 things Cloud has changed for Indian IT

Digital Transformation
April 28, 2016 406 0

The pace of change and disruption in the technology industry has always been faster than other industries. It is very easy for companies to fail – Compaq, Novell, Nortel, and Nokia were all great companies which got disrupted an...


Payments Banks – Convenience Weds Technology

Digital Transformation
April 19, 2016 437 0

On August 19 last year, India took a revolutionary step in the arena of banking – the RBI kicked off the long-awaited differentiated banking regime by issuing in-principle approvals to 11 entities to set up payments banks. This ...


Driving a Software-Defined Machine

Digital Transformation
April 18, 2016 494 0

The concept of ‘software-defined machine’ is still a bit abstract for many in the industrial space.  Software for control or optimization of assets is not new, of course.  And opportunities to improve asset performanc...


The Significant Ways Tech Will Transform 5 Airport Checkpoints in the Coming Years

Digital Transformation
April 13, 2016 471 0

For most people, the thought of going to the airport for an upcoming trip is usually associated with stress and frustration. Long lines, weather delays, and missed connections are just some of the common anxieties facing everyday ...


Evolving Screen Sizes of Our Flagship Smartphones

Digital Transformation
April 12, 2016 1213 0

It’s 2016! It’s been more than 2 decades since the first touchscreen phone was launched. In case you did not know, it was named as Simon which was manufactured by IBM in 1992. This was way before the term ‘sma...

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