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Diversity And Inclusion

Find Your #Ikigai

Diversity And Inclusion
May 1, 2020 766 0

Being able to translate our #Ikigai into actions can help us charter the roads of uncertainty that lays ahead. When the mind is focused, the effort of channelling all the #positive energies into making the world into a #happy, #su...


Vitamin D(iversity) for Innovation at the Workplace

Diversity And Inclusion
April 7, 2020 1272 0

Malcolm Forbes famously defined diversity as the art of thinking independently, together. There is certain poignancy to that statement which seems simplistic in nature but holds far greater contextual meaning within.  In 2020, div...


Table Matters – Empowering and Nurturing Women through Simple Conversations

Diversity And Inclusion
March 11, 2020 596 0

Women Supporting Women.Men Supporting Women.Heard time and again and perhaps practiced by some organizations too. But could a casual luncheon end up becoming a driving force for nurturing the power in women? An engaging session ar...


Run, Grow & Transform - What Women Bring to Two Leading Organizations

Diversity And Inclusion
March 11, 2020 416 0

“Who run the world? Girls.”These words from Beyonce’s trending chartbuster almost summarized the essence of the Future 2020 session on ‘HyperScale in an Interconnected Economy’ at the NTLF 2020.Moderated by Sundar Subramanian, the...

India's Tech Industry-Women for the Techade

India's Tech Industry-Women for the Techade

Diversity And Inclusion
March 11, 2020 3135 0

It is in this context that we have been conducting the annual D&I summit and recognizing companies that are leading the way in ensuring a more equitable workforce. Under NASSCOM’s Diversity and Inclusion agenda, we had conducted t...

Why do we need more women in tech?

Why do we need more women in tech?

Diversity And Inclusion
March 11, 2020 520 0

”If you exclude 50% from the talent pool, it’s no wonder you find yourself in a war for talent”. – Theresa WhitmarshYes agreed, women deserve the same opportunities as men to choose from and succeed in their career. Th...


Building a Gender-Equal Tech-Force

Diversity And Inclusion
March 11, 2020 361 0

The Indian tech-force has indeed become one of the most essential levers of the coun-try’s economic well-being. However, has the IT-BPM sector utilized both male and female talent to the fullest and equally? Or is the tech-world s...


#TechNaari: Each For Equal For Innovation - Redefining Diversity & Inclusivity in IT

Diversity And Inclusion
March 8, 2020 1187 0

Have you heard of Jean E. Sammet or Elizabeth Feinler? In the 1960s Sammet developed FORMAC (Formula Manipulation Compiler)- an early FORTRAN based computer language. And Elizabeth Feinler created the Domain Name System (DNS) whic...


Women in Tech: Applying Design Thinking Approach for encouraging Female in technology

Diversity And Inclusion
February 7, 2020 2276 0

How far can we extend the Design Thinking Approach?Two StoriesStory 1Social Media platform, Instagram, recently made news because some of its users had to lie about their identity in their profiles. The reason was a “shadow ban” t...


Reconceiving customer commitment in a new age of dynamic technology

Diversity And Inclusion
January 13, 2020 810 0

By A. Nandini, VP, Delivery, GlobalLogicImagine a business without customers, one where there is no one to cater to at the end of the ecosystem. Without the basic target audience, every business would lose its purpose and means to...

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