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Sensors in Real-time and Edge Computing: Transforming Manufacturing Practices

Sensors in Real-time and Edge Computing: Transforming Manufacturing Practices

Manufacturing Analytics
May 11, 2022 312 0

While edge computing has been around since the early 2000s, it is only recently that it has gained accelerated traction. They are helping manufacturers collect real-time data from their machinery and equipment, eliminating the nee...

Key Influencer Analytics: What Is It and Why is It Important?

Key Influencer Analytics: What Is It and Why is It Important?

Mobile & Web Development Analytics
May 10, 2022 272 0

No matter the size of your business or in what industry your market is involved, the concept of analytics is more important today than ever before. Businesses competing locally or on a global scale are all engaged in market compet...

How Can Clickless Analytics Help My Business Succeed in Data Democratization?

How Can Clickless Analytics Help My Business Succeed in Data Democratization?

May 2, 2022 156 0

Gartner predicts that ‘… augmented analytics will be ubiquitous, but only 10% of users will use it to its full potential.’ One of the primary reasons that augmented analytics is not adopted and leveraged to its full capacity is th...

Hire Mobile Application Programmers and Let Them Advise: Native vs. Hybrid Mobile App

Hire Mobile Application Programmers and Let Them Advise: Native vs. Hybrid Mobile App

Function Mobile & Web Development Analytics
April 28, 2022 183 0

In February of 2022, Statcounter estimated the share of the smart phone market to be 70.97% Android and 28.27% iOS. If your business is looking to build a mobile application, the decision to choose a native vs. hybrid mobile appli...

Gun+Car+Ball Games Sweep India; Real Money Games with its Downward Trend

Gun+Car+Ball Games Sweep India; Real Money Games with its Downward Trend

Blockchain Mobile & Web Development Analytics
April 28, 2022 200 0

  Data show that the growth rate of the Indian game market is the highest in Asia and even in the world. As a populous country, India has 0.9 billion young and quality net users among its total population of 1.4 bil...

Techniques to Ensure Successful Augmented Analytics Implementation

Techniques to Ensure Successful Augmented Analytics Implementation

April 21, 2022 190 0

If your business is ready to implement a BI tool and augmented analytics solution, there are some things you will need to do first. If you plan correctly, you will enjoy a successful implementation. If you do not perform an assess...

SME Businesses Must Engage in Culture Change to Successfully Integrate Self-Serve Advanced Analytics

SME Businesses Must Engage in Culture Change to Successfully Integrate Self-Serve Advanced Analytics

April 15, 2022 196 0

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) are often challenged to satisfy all the roles and responsibilities in the organization and most team members wear more than one hat. That feeling of being overstretched is typical of growin...

Include Self-Serve Data Preparation in Your Augmented Analytics Solution

Include Self-Serve Data Preparation in Your Augmented Analytics Solution

April 11, 2022 205 0

Gartner predicted that ‘…data preparation will be utilized in more than 70% of new data integration projects for analytics and data science.’ If your business is not already including this approach in analytics and decision-making...

A Digital Transformation Initiative Can Improve Operational Efficiency

A Digital Transformation Initiative Can Improve Operational Efficiency

Digital Transformation Analytics
April 5, 2022 196 0

According to a recent report published by a financial research firm, the top reason for implementing a Digital Transformation (Dx) strategy (and the top benefit from said strategy) is to improve operational efficiency. 40% of thos...

What Are the Advantages of Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics?

What Are the Advantages of Mobile BI and Augmented Analytics?

March 31, 2022 156 0

A recent report revealed that by, 2028, the Augmented Analytics market is projected to reach USD 46.26 billion at a CAGR of 24.30%. The business intelligence solution market has evolved into augmented analytics and these solutions...

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