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G - Governance
Tackling Grievances At The Earliest

Tackling Grievances At The Earliest

G - Governance
October 5, 2023 82 0

Back in 2011, a banyan tree in Tamil Nadu’s Elamangalam village struck the onlooker’s eye for a quaint reason. One of the branches had a multi-coloured ‘Problem Tree’ attached to it- a poster flaunting the titles, addresses and ph...

GovTech For Seamless Food Distribution System

GovTech For Seamless Food Distribution System

G - Governance
September 27, 2023 18 0

The origin of the massive Public Distribution System (PDS) we know today could be traced back to the colonial era. PDS has evolved from the rationing system introduced by the British during World War II in Bombay (now Mumbai) in 1...

Navigating Sustainability: From Intent to Tangible Impact

Navigating Sustainability: From Intent to Tangible Impact

Diversity And Inclusion Tech for Good E - Environmental S - Social G - Governance ESG & Sustainability
August 30, 2023 129 0

Modern-day business success goes beyond just financial performance. As Gartner forecasts that 50% of CIOs will incorporate IT sustainability KPIs by 2025, it's evident that sustainability has moved from just a buzzword to a decisi...

Building Plan Permission For EoDB

Building Plan Permission For EoDB

G - Governance
August 9, 2023 47 0

A good design is the first key rung in the ladder of a great building. However, as you step beyond this initial rung, you notice that the existing building plan structure in India has a maze of procedures. So, whether it’s the cas...

Land Management System for EoDB

Land Management System for EoDB

G - Governance
August 1, 2023 16 0

One of the key indicators of a thriving industrial ecosystem leading to accelerated economic growth and plentiful jobs is the ease of access to industrial land. Worldwide, government institutions develop the land and attendant inf...

Top ESG Trends for 2023 to Monitor

Top ESG Trends for 2023 to Monitor

E - Environmental S - Social G - Governance ESG & Sustainability
June 20, 2023 391 0

Socio-economic challenges and climate problems can interfere with ecological, communal, legal, and financial harmony. So, investors recognize the necessity for embracing ESG strategies across portfolio management and stock screeni...

What is Driving the ESG Investing Trend?

What is Driving the ESG Investing Trend?

Initiatives E - Environmental S - Social G - Governance ESG & Sustainability
May 31, 2023 354 0

Due to the market and policy focus on sustainable development goals (SGDs), there is a renewed interest in ESG compliance criteria. Stakeholders want brands to address crucial problems ranging from discrimination to corruption. Mo...

The Technology Ecoadvantage : Achieving Sustainability Goals

The Technology Ecoadvantage : Achieving Sustainability Goals

Smartcities ESG & Sustainability E - Environmental S - Social G - Governance Energy & Utilities
January 5, 2023 337 1

ESG (environmental, social, and governance) 2030 goals, a set of 17 global goals adopted by the UN in 2015, are set by the companies for themselves to address sustainability and social responsibility. These goals aim at reducing t...

Reengineering Safety Nets To Unlock More Value

Reengineering Safety Nets To Unlock More Value

G - Governance
October 18, 2022 274 0

Social protection schemes or ‘safety nets’ the world over have gained considerable currency. These programs shield the poor and vulnerable from crises, help them find jobs, improve productivity and invest in health and educat...

Environmental challenges in business: standards as solutions

Environmental challenges in business: standards as solutions

E - Environmental S - Social G - Governance ESG & Sustainability
August 26, 2022 211 2

Nick Blyth, Policy and Practice Lead on climate change, corporate sustainability and natural environment at the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), outlines how organizations can address key impacts and de...

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