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Industry Trends

Quotable Quotes-Crisp & Catchy Stories

Industry Trends
May 11, 2016 455 0

The highest virality happens with two kinds of content viz. videos and quotable quotes. Since videos can be more expensive to produce regularly, quotable quotes are most powerful to reach large audiences and build powerful brand i...


The Need To Unspam!

Industry Trends
April 21, 2016 388 0

Spocto surveyed its global community of digital marketers to uncover the spam rate and effectiveness of various digital marketing channels and determine the biggest challenges and opportunities for their marketing efforts.How mark...


Using Storytelling in Social Media Profiles

Industry Trends
April 6, 2016 408 0

A story is a story is a story is a story. Period. Human brain is wired for narrative or story. Shh, to tell you the truth, we are not designed to remember bullet points but designed to remember stories.  If someone visits your Lin...


How to tell better powerpoint and visual stories

Industry Trends
March 11, 2016 595 0

Great marketers establish emotional bonds with their customers and prospects. Nothing can be more powerful in forming an emotional bond than an authentic story. The more parts of the brain a story can involve, the more senses it c...

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