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India is betting high on IoT

August 24, 2017 564 0

The growth of internet has promoted the digitalization and globalization to a greater extent. India is one of the most prominent destinations for the globe as far as Internet of things (IoT) is concerned. Although the demand of Io...


The Pitch: TrakitNow Smart Mosquito Density Monitoring System

July 17, 2017 1682 0

 We have been writing about big IT companies, such as Microsoft and Alphabet fighting mosquitoes with latest innovations. Here is the story an Indian company using IOT to fight vector borne diseases. We have the CEO of Trakit...


The Pitch: RespirON Inhaler, Smart Asthma Management

July 12, 2017 567 0

ProblemAccording to AAAAI (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology), there are around 300 million asthma patients and 65 million COPD patients all around the world and an estimated 250,000 deaths attributed to asthma ...


CEATEC Japan 2017 - IOT Startup nominations now open

July 5, 2017 512 0

We are happy to announce that we are now ready to receive nominations from Indian startup companies who wish to be part of the CEATEC 2017, central theme of this year conference remains IoT and Innovation. You would remember last ...


IoT is a process, a revolution

June 30, 2017 384 0

While many of us have heard of driver-less autonomous cars, smart cities, smart traffic signals, but none of us really know when and how is it going to impact our own lives.One fine day we are not going to say ‘yes!‘ t...


IoT needs online marketplace, not offline distribution

June 29, 2017 471 0

I have been in touch with around fifteen IoT companies in US, to help market their products through our platform. So I digged in to understand their constraints in making and delivering their products, and also in scaling their ma...


15 new job roles in IOT industry

June 27, 2017 535 0

Good news for the IOT aspirants. New job roles coming your way.


Vibration Sensor Selection Critical for Monitoring Machinery Condition

June 23, 2017 517 0

Vibration measurement is the most common method for assessing the condition of most machinery. Although advances have been made in vibration monitoring and analysis equipment, selecting and correctly installing the right sensors o...


Optimize oilfield operations with IIoT-enabled pumps

June 23, 2017 487 0

The emergence of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and its promise of leveraging smart sensors to create smart machines, or assets, that can be monitored, measured, and controlled more efficiently, more timely, and in such a ma...


Event: Real World IoT Security Conference - 2017

June 15, 2017 594 0

RISC ’17 focuses on helping YOU discover innovative techniques, get actionable insights, and learn recognised best practices at workshops to secure your Internet of Things or cyber physical system; all of which are delivered by cy...

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