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Sales & Marketing

MarTech: Enabling digital transformation

Sales & Marketing
June 23, 2016 371 0

Remember the times when we would huddle around a radio set tuned into live commentary of a cricket match? Fast-forward to today and people are watching cricket on streaming applications on the smartphone. Now they can pause the li...


Why use Stories for Online Branding and Marketing?

Sales & Marketing
June 23, 2016 447 0

 There is a famous proverb, “Facts tell. Stories sell”. Storytelling is one of the tools of branding and marketing. Is it a more powerful tool or is it the most powerful tool? Let us take a look.How Do Stories Work?Stories in...


Martech – An USD 45-55 billion opportunity for Indian IT industry

Sales & Marketing
June 23, 2016 1686 0

Marketing and technology have become almost inseparable. In the past few years, with the proliferation of digital channels. Marketers have started to use technology at each step of the marketing value chain, from product planning ...


The Way People Buy Has Changed

Sales & Marketing
June 10, 2016 350 0

There are enough studies today to show that customers are 57% through the buying process before they talk to the supplier, there are 5.4 Number of stakeholders in an average B2B purchase decision and a 1% chance of sales reps gett...


Is it prime time for Data, the ‘glue’ that brings Sales and Marketing together?

Sales & Marketing
June 10, 2016 364 0

In today’s fully connected world, Data is the “glue” that brings Sales and Marketing teams working together. This discussion, held on 11 April 2016 in Mumbai, by the Sales and Marketing SIG focused on the need for alignment of Sal...


Aligning your Sales and Marketing functions – A Special Interest Group Launch

Sales & Marketing
June 10, 2016 340 0

The lack of alignment between sales and marketing functions in an enterprise is an age-old problem, frequently lamented, yet rarely addressed or solved. A new survey shows the lack of alignment is actually becoming a bigger proble...


Design Thinking: How to make one hundred million dollars in six months

Sales & Marketing
April 29, 2016 743 0

 I didn’t expect to hear much about innovation at the India Shared Value Summit last week, but I was pleasantly surprised when Shafi Saxena of News Republic reminded the audience of the two pillars of Design Thinking...


Deep Diving Into Customer's Experience Of Mobile Brands (Report)

Sales & Marketing
January 1, 2016 502 0

If we’d ask, “What’s the one thing you cannot live without every day?” We are pretty sure a majority of you would answer that it’s your smartphone. And why not? A smartphone keeps us connected, helps us travel with maps, lets us b...

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